European scientists,
Galileo Galilei (1546-1642) said clearly that the earth is round. Galileo was born in Pisa, same as with Copernicus. He started education in medical school. But he is paying attention to the mathematic.Finally, he succeed to get his professor in the field of mathematics and astronomy (1598). Thinking about the universe Galileo greatly influenced by Democritos. He argues that particles formed from atoms and move freely in nature. Material wich shaped from atoms that eventually became constituent nature including Galileo pioneered earth. Galileo pioneered the progress of his research is on natural objects using telescopes. With these tools he can clearly observe celestial objects.
A new opinion about the universe represented by the Copernican (1473-1543) is heliocentric. This theory states that the sun is the center of the circulation of objects alam. The sun is center of the universe and its position is fixed (stationary). All of the movement only appearance is a mere illusion of movement of the earth.