South and Central American cigarette use various plant wrappers; when brought back to Spain, maize wrappers were introduced, and in the 17th century, fine paper. The resulting product is called papelate and documented in the Goya painting La Merienda en el Manzanares, and El juego de la pelota a pala in the 18th century.
In 1830, cigarettes have defected to France, where he received the name cigarette, and in 1845, the state tobacco monopoly began to produce it.
In countries whose primary language is English, the use of tobacco in cigarette form became increasingly popular during and after the Crimean War, when British soldiers started to imitate their friends and enemies are smoked tobacco in the roll of old newspaper for lack of cigar leaf. This is aided by the development of suitable tobacco for cigarettes, and with the development of the Egyptian cigarette export industry.
Smoking may initially used in a manner similar to pipes and cigars and not inhaled. The proof is the Lucky Strike ad campaign early '30s that asked consumers "What is Breath You Attract?". As cigarette tobacco became milder, breathing may become more enjoyable.
The prevalence of smoking in the Western world is largely a 20th century phenomenon.
German Doctors were the first to identify the link between smoking and lung cancer which led to the first anti-tobacco movement in Nazi Germany. During World War I and World War II, cigarettes allocated to the army. During the Vietnam War, cigarettes were included with the meal. Then in 1975 the government stopped putting cigarettes in military rations. During the second half of the 20th century, the adverse health effects of cigarettes started to be widely known and written health warnings became commonplace on cigarette packets. Warnings became prevalent but unpopular, mainly due to political influences held by tobacco growers. United States have not implemented graphical cigarette warning labels, which are considered a more effective method to communicate to the public about the dangers of smoking. Canada, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Australia, Brazil, New Zealand, the UK, Romania and Singapore have both the textual warnings and graphic visual images show damage to the human body because of smoking.
Cigarette has evolved much since its humble beginnings, for example, the thin bands transverse to the shaft so as to form a circle round smoke cigarettes, are an alternative part thin and thick paper to facilitate effective burning when being smoked, and inhibit firing when not smoked. Synthetic filter out some tar before it reaches the smoker.
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