"Small gray cactus in a pot, except that it was covered with what looked like boils rather than spines."
Mimbulusmimbletonia is a very rare plant. The origin of the plant is assumed to be in Assyria.
Mimbulusmimbletonia is a very rare plant. The origin of the plant is assumed to be in Assyria.
It is most notable for pulsing and writhing natural and unique defense mechanism. When mimbletonia is urged Mimbulus, Stinksap is squirting out of tanaman.Stinksap boils on the surface of the liquid is non-toxic and is described as a dark green and smelled like "rancid manure" [1] Neville Longbottom demonstrate defense mechanism to Harry Potter on the Hogwarts Express, covering compartment and the people in it with Stinksap.
"Then we find that the further in the construction of the plant, it makes" strange humming noises when touched. "it can also be used as an antidote for anxiety, shame, and fear-fear , all of which have the characteristics of Neville.