Myths and legends of a white elephant began in Southeast Asia. In the story of Buddha, the white elephant is connected with knowledge. On the eve of Buddha's birth, his mother dreamed of a white elephant came to him a lotus flower, a symbol of purity and knowledge. During the next few hundred years, the two countries are Burma and Thailand (Siam), for both white elephant is an animal are important. The white elephant is a key to success for the military, both mass warfare, and dueling elephants.
The white elephant is also the key to pageantry. The king was willing to spend a lot of time and energy to hunt elephants in the forest. The white elephant is not an ordinary elephant. He has the power of the god of war is considered sacred and is also a carrier of fertility. For the king of Burma and Siam, has this sacred animal is very important. A king who has a lot of nice white elephant will be successful. His kingdom will prosper and reign would last long. If the white elephant dies, it will bring disaster to the king and his government.
The following statement is taken from a statement saying Buddha Three Worlds; great king has seven important things, namely:
a perfect wife, a good treasurer, a wise prime minister, a horse is agile, the wheel of law, precious pearls to guide him in the act, and the glorious white elephant.
In the 19th century, the white elephant was unveiled as one of the wonders of the world of Siam. An American, Frank Vincent, gave the title to his book on Southeast Asia, The Land of the White Elephant.
In the book describes Brahmins seven criteria that must be owned by a white elephant:
1. Has the cornea is white or slightly pink.
2. Palate, white or pink.
3. Hair white or light brown that looks transparent when exposed to light.
4. The skin should be white, pink, or light brown, or light gray.
5. The hair on the tail should be long
6. The genitals are white or pink.