Selasa, 16 April 2013

Myth Mate Leaves

In Ireland, mistletoe leaves are often used by women who want to quickly be able to mate. Usually when New Year's Eve, the single girls put some mistletoe leaves under the pillow so that 'Prince Charmings heart' can quickly come to apply them. Leaf leaves mistletoe is often used as a decoration on Christmas Day.

Initially, Mistletoe used by Druid priests in the year 200 BCE. Mistletoe became part of the celebration of the winter. They respect this plant because even though they have no roots, leaves remain green during the winter.

Residents of the ancient Celts believed mistletoe had magical power to heal and use it as an antidote to poison, infertility, and ward off evil spirits. This plant is also seen as a symbol of peace. As for the Romans, if enemies met under mistletoe leaves, then both sides would lay down their arms and embrace.

Different versions people have Skandinavia.Mistletoe associated with the Goddess Frigga Love. The possibility of this is to make a habit of kissing each other under the mistletoe. They are kissing each other under mistletoe is believed to have happiness and luck in romance the following year.

In addition, they also believe this habit to keep from bad luck in the new year ahead.